We would like to inform you that we will be present at the DAIRY & MEAT INDUSTRY 2017 trade fair, which will be held...
We would like to inform you that the investee company ARC TECNO will be present at the CIBUS TEC 2016 trade fair, which...
We appreciate your visit at the stand of the investee company ARC TECNO during the fair IFFA 2016, held in Frankfurt, Ge...
We appreciate your visit at our stand during the fair Djazagro 2016, held in Algiers from 18th to 21st April.
We would like to inform you that the affiliated company ARC TECNO will be present at the IFFA 2016 trade fair, which wil...
We appreciate your visit at our stand during the fair Dairy & Meat Industry 2016, held in Moscow from 1st to 4th Mar...